Iceland 2024.
I’m back home after a short but amazing trip to Iceland.
The morning my flight landed, I got to see a volcano (from a safe distance, of course).
Then I got to see some amazing waterfalls and beaches.
Then I got to see the northern lights!
I also got to eat some world-class pancakes.
If you live in the United States and want to visit Europe*, Iceland is a great option. It’s a relatively quick flight (about six hours from Baltimore, for example), it’s easy to navigate for English speakers, and it’s a beautiful country in a way that is different from the beautiful parts of the U.S.
*I looked it up to double-check, and Iceland is geographically part of both Europe and North America! Such an interesting country.
Oh, and Stacey took a picture of me being very cold despite being all bundled up.
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